What’s with the name Rogue Pisces? Do you only read for Pisces people?

Oh jeez I’ll read for anybody! Rogue Pisces is just a saying I started using because I never felt like I identified with how Pisces is talked about in mainstream astrology. So I figured my more “fiery” personality traits had to mean my Pisces energy went “Rogue”. Turns out I just have a lot of Fire in my birth chart.

Can I get a live reading?

At this point in time, all readings are either delivered through pre-recorded videos, or via written and picture format via email.

If my schedule opens up in the future and I am able to start providing live readings (like over Zoom or Skype), I will be more than happy to add them to the menu. I love reading for people in person, so this is definitely a goal. Stay tuned!

How will I get my reading?

Video Readings: Once your reading is finished, I will send you a link to a private video on YouTube that you can watch a many times as you wish.

Email Readings: Once the reading has been completed, you will be sent a full write up of the interpretation of the cards, as well as an attached photo of the cards.

When will I get my reading?

Usual turnaround is 1-4 days. However, please allow up to 5-10 business days for me to complete your reading.

After purchasing your reading and submitting your questions (if applicable), I will put aside some time to work on your reading.

Most of the time, It will not take the full 5-10 business days for me to complete your reading.

If something happens that prevents me from fulfilling your order by the end of the 10 business day time period, I will contact you to see if you are willing to wait, or if you prefer to be refunded. Otherwise, all orders are final. (see Terms of Service below)

NOTE: Business days means Monday to Friday, not including weekends or holidays.

How do I choose my question(s)?

You can ask my cards whatever you want! So long as your question doesn’t include anything from the “OFF LIMITS” section below.

The cards can be blunt, so keep this in mind if you want to ask “yes/no” or loaded questions. Loaded questions tend to get loaded answers.

Even if you ask me about another person, my practice focuses on YOU, the person asking the question and your highest good above all else. This means that the questions and answers will usually come out with a focus on how you will be in relation to that other person or situation.

Remember, tarot readings do not effect free will, of yourself or anyone else.

Can I do anything to make sure I get a “good” reading?

I am sincerely dedicated to providing you with the most clarity possible for your question. My #1 intention when working is that the information that comes forward is for the greatest and highest good of the person I am reading for.

I will always deliver messages with tact, kindness and compassion, but I will never lie about what I see in the cards to try and tell someone what I think they want to hear.

Please always consider this when placing an order. Again, all orders are final.

Are there questions/topics that are off limits?

Yes! Just like a lawyer isn’t qualified to give you medical advice, there are limits to what I can do as well.

My Code of Ethics does not permit questions about:

Where/how to find missing persons, pets, or objects

Health advice: Including Life Expectancy, Pregnancy or Physical Death

Advice on Financial Investments, gambling, or lottery numbers

Legal Problems

If a question or topic is not something that I feel right trying to answer, I will contact you to see if you’d like to change your question.

Can Abbie contact a loved one who is passed on?

No, sorry! I am not a medium and do not practice mediumship.

Is what comes out in my reading guaranteed to happen?

In short, not necessarily.

The feedback I have received from people over the years says that I have a high level of accuracy as a reader. However, keep in mind that the Tarot gives us a look into the energies that are present at the time when the reading is performed.

I tend to think of Tarot as kind of like a weather forecast. The weather man can look at his best instruments and technology and say there’s a 70% chance of rain, but the winds can change and blow the storm over a different town and it will miss us entirely. The weather man can read the signs, but he doesn’t control the weather.

The Tarot can help us to look at the energies and work with them to the best of our abilities.

Afterall, it’s better to have your umbrella and not need it, then need it and not have it.

Tarot cards CANNOT remove free will. PERIODT. The cards can show us what’s up in the present energy, and what may happen if that energy continues forward, BUT you have every right to change course if you choose.

Just as you have free-will and are 100% in control of your own choices, and the same is true for other people. Just like you can decide to change course in life, or simply change your mind on something, the same is true for others. You are free to accept or reject anything that comes out in a readings, from any reader.

ALWAYS default to your own common sense and best judgement, regardless of what I, or any other reader, psychic, or intuitive, may have to tell you.

When are readings going to be restocked?

I only stock as many readings as I feel I can fulfill in the 5-10 business day period (though I like to have them done a lot quicker than that). Once I have availability for more readings, they will be re-stocked, and you can sign up to be notified when the reading you’re interested in comes back in stock!


Terms of Service

By purchasing a reading on this website you agree to the following terms of service

1.       All purchases are final. There will be no refunds issued after the completion and delivery of a reading.

2. The Service Provider reserves the right to deny a reading to anyone and for any reason. If you have paid for a reading and I cannot fulfill it, then you will be refunded.

3.       All readings sold on this site are for Entertainment Purposes ONLY. We offer no guarantees about the accuracy of any reading.

a.       You accept full responsibility for any choices made after buying a reading.

b.       The Service Provider is not responsible for the individual interpretation and actions of anyone who purchases a reading.

c.       Readings are not to be used to make any important decisions. This includes situations in which licensed professionals should be consulted, such as a doctor, psychologist or other mental health professional, financial advisor, or lawyer.

4       You are at least 18 years of age.

5.       All information shared in a reading will be kept 100% confidential, with the only exception being cases of legal responsibilities or safety reasons.

6.       All prices are subject to change.

7.       These Terms of Service are subject to change and may be updated at any time and for any reason.

8.       All content of this website is protected by copyright, is property of the original creator, and is not to be duplicated. Any use of the materials, readings, photos, or written content of this website without the expressed permission of the original creator is a violation of copyright.

Privacy Policy: You can review the full policy HERE

Practical Spirituality